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독도를 일본땅으로 표시하고 있는 구글어스 바로 잡는법


11.03.02 19:59:57추천 1조회 3,634



1.<http://earth.google.com/support/bin/request.py?&problem=billing&extra.customer=GEFree&contact_type=data>여기에 접속
2.한국어로 답변 안 된다고 뜨면 아래 English클릭
3.please select the you're experiencing(당신이 겪고있는 문제를 고르세요)이라는 창이보이면 "contains photographic errors(사진 오류)"를 선택
4.e-mail address에 자기 이메일 입력한 뒤 메세지란에 아래와 같은 내용 붙여넣기
(구글어스에 나와 있는 독도설명은 말도 안 된다는 내용임)
The user uploaded photograph regarding Dokdo (독도, Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do 799-805, South Korea) contains a caption that includes information about Dokdo that is seriously BIASED and WRONG. It says ”Take-shima Island Okino-shima-Town Shimane Prefecture of Japen. - Korean name Dokdo, Korea Government illegal occupation-let’s appear in court of the international court of justice“ in three different languages, Japanese, English and Korean. Dokdo is the easternmost territory of Korea and situated 87.4km to the southeast of Ulleungdo Island. PLEASE REMOVE THE CAPTION CONTAINING SERIOUSLY BIASED AND WRONG INFORMATION REGARDING DOKDO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU
5.메시지를 입력했다면 위성사진 아래에 <독도, Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung-gun, Gyungsangbuk-do 799-805, South Korea> 이 주소 붙여넣기 한 다음 Search를 누름.
6.그 다음 Submit <-이거 누르면 끝.

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