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11.04.03 13:55:46추천 2조회 8,121

A former professional rugby player has appeared in court in South Africa over the murders of three men in a random axe attack.

Joseph Ntshongwana, 33, who played for the Blue Bulls Super 15 side, is accused of a rampage in townships of Lamontville and Umbilo near his home in Durban.

He is charged with with three counts of murder, one count of attempted murder and one of assault with intention to commit grievous bodily harm.

He was not required to make a plea.


Fallen star: Former pro rugby player Joseph Ntshongwana has appeared in court charged with three counts or mufder with an axe in townships near his home in Durban

The prosecution claims to have discovered a 16-inch axe and items of bloodied clothing in a car near Mr Ntshongwana's home.

The former Springbok Under-21s initially claimed the killings were carried out in revenge after his daughter was gang-raped and infected with HIV, South African newspapers reported.

However, police say he does not have a daughter.


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