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진짜 진실 일본인 괌에서 쳐 맞은 사건


15.10.18 14:14:37추천 17조회 19,055




1. there were 5 japanese who went down to the beach and that included the naked guy

2. naked guy got naked with kids around( this is not shown on video) 3. the attacker works for one of the beach rental business there, he approach him and told him to put on pants in english 4. naked man started acting weird like he's a ninja making ninja move 5. man asks the naked japanese friends to tell him to put on clothes but all they do is smile 6. man uses english as well as hand gesture and point at pants to put on 7. naked japanese put on brown pants you see in video 8. man leaves japanese alone and walk away to have a good day at work 9. japanese tries to get naked pulling pants down over and over 

10. attacker comes back and the rest of what happened is what you see in the video........ 



진짜 진실은 괌 해수욕장에서 다른 관광객의 아이들이 있는 곳에서 누드로 놀려다가 지적 당하니까 막 닌자 흉내 내고

지적하던 현지인이 다시 제자리로 돌아가니까 또 수영복을 내렸다 올렸다 깔짝 거려서 쳐 맞은 것입니다.

좀 상식적으로 생각합시다. 관광객으로 먹고 사는 사람이 관광객을 때릴 이유는 뭔가 혐오스러운 행동을 해서 입니다.

폭력을 옹호할 생각은 없습니다만 누군가 제 자식 앞에서 성기를 노출하는 행동을 한다면 저는 폭력을 행사할 것입니다.

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