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이 싸이트에서 퍼온 감상평


06.06.01 00:23:43추천 1조회 1,914
Reviewed by: daToofFairy Overall Score: 10

great graphics! awsome clear sound! unique song choice!...
the dancing looked incredible! fulp must love you because you are the one of the artists that make this site so great!

그래픽 좋고 음질 좋고 노래도 너무 잘 골랐네요. 춤이 굉장했습니다.
당신 덕분에 이 싸이트가 더 멋져졌어요!

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 10 Humor: 10

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wow May 26, 2006

Reviewed by: Sharack Overall Score: 10

unbelievable! how come you are so good at animating! i have no words for it.

ps: i gave you a zero for humor, because i thaugt this was not ment to be funny

믿겨지지가 않네요! 어떻게 이렇게 잘 하실수가 있죠? 말을 잃었습니다.
Humor 부분에서는 0점을 줬어요 왜냐하면 이건 웃기라고 한건 아니라고 생각했기 때문이죠.
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 0 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 0

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Very good May 24, 2006

Reviewed by: iDiOt_AZN Overall Score: 8


Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 0 Style: 9 Violence: 0 Humor: 3

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Nice Work May 19, 2006

Reviewed by: Axiat Overall Score: 9

ve always had this sort of idea when u leave ur house room etc that everything in there starts movin around any way its a nice animation. very fluent and nice use of music. =D

전 항상 이런생각을 했어요 당신이 방을 떠나면 당신 방에 있는 물건들이 제멋대로 움직이는거요. 이거 진짜 좋은 플래쉬네요. 음악을 너무나 잘 썻어요.
Graphics: 10 Sound: 8 Interactivity: 0 Style: 9 Violence: 0 Humor: 7

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!!! May 19, 2006

Reviewed by: Regnor Overall Score: 10

This is awesome! I've watched this about 5 times now, and it's still great! There's only one problem i've found: The tape recoreder is always saying 'oops i did it again' by Britney Spears. Other than that, it's one of the bets flash movies ever.

놀랍네요! 지금 이거 5번정도는 봤는데 아직도 안 질리네요. 한가지 문제를 제가 발견했는데
테입 레코더에 항상 'oops i did it again' by britney spears'가 재생되고 있네요.
그거 빼고 진짜 최고의 플래쉬 입니다.
P.S. Whats that last song called in English?

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 10

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Wow... May 19, 2006

Reviewed by: Heoey3 Overall Score: 10

That was great! I loved the sound quality! And well yes Music is an Universal language...I loved it!! So great i loved how everything just flowed and i see it must of taken a while to make this!!! I LOVE IT!!!! :3

정말 멋지네요! 음질 진짜 좋았어요. 그리고 음악은 세계 공통어라는거...
정말 재밋게 봤습니다. 플래쉬에 흘러간 모든게 다 맘에 듭니다. 이거 만드는데
꽤나 걸렸겠어요.
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 0 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 5

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Sweet. May 19, 2006

Reviewed by: PRODUCTIONS Overall Score: 10

Very good. I realy like the time spent into it. keep goin on like this and you'll woup Arsenic

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 0 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 5

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wow! May 18, 2006

Reviewed by: AAA-player Overall Score: 10

I saw this flash before i had my account and now iv avtivated it i decided to write a review:
Its good real good it was well drawn and edited but i think there should of been more music + dancers make more!
이거 제가 회원가입 하기전에 봤고 보고나서 이 평을 쓰기 위해 회원가입을 했습니다.
정말 좋네요! 잘 만들어 졌구. 그런데 음악하고 댄서들이 더 있었으면 좋았겠네요.

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 0 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 5

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woah! May 15, 2006

Reviewed by: freedomtoobey Overall Score: 10

...visually stunning...just amazingly well done.

정말 훌륭하고 잘 만들었습니다.
Graphics: 10 Sound: 8 Interactivity: 0 Style: 10 Violence: 0 Humor: 5

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woa May 14, 2006

Reviewed by: the_noob Overall Score: 10

every tmie i watch this it gets better, wow, keep uyp the good work homie.

볼때마다 더 좋아지네요. 계속 이런거 만드시길 바래요.

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