셀럽/영상 유머·엽기영상 게시판 글쓰기 게시판 즐겨찾기

인종별 국가별 영어발음


11.04.23 13:03:58추천 5조회 3,160


평범 영어:
Harry Potter and Mr. Snape are not friends.


가십걸 영어:
Seriously, Harry Potter and Mr. Snape- they are NOT friends, at all. Get it?


영국 영어:
Perhaps, Harry Potter and Mr. Snape might be friends. Aren't they?


중국인 영어:
Really, Harry Potter and Mr. Snape, no friends. You are wrong.


흑인 영어:
Yo, man! You gotta know this, man.
Harry Potter and Mr. Snape ain't those kinds shits, man. Aight?





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