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Greenland의 미공군 탄도미사일탐지레이더 기지


07.05.21 12:09:48추천 1조회 889




Greenland의 미공군 탄도미사일탐지레이더 기지

그린란드에 설치되어 있는 미공군 탄도미사일 탐지레이더 기지의 혹한기 모습들입니다.
1년씩 근무한다고 하는 Thule Air Base에 C-130 수송기가 물자를 공급하고 있습니다.

One of the two radar faces of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, or BMEWS, site is photographically captured during a short period of twilight, using time-lapsed photography to capture the minimal amount of available, ambient light Jan. 25 at Thule Air Base, Greenland. Thule AB Airmen with two major space missions support Air Force Space Command. Two tenant units contribute to the space mission here

From South Mountain, Thule Air Base and Mount Dundas is photographically captured during a short period of January twilight using time-lapsed photography to capture the minimal amount of available, ambient light Jan. 25 in Greenland. Airmen serve a one-year remote, unaccompanied tour here in a multinational environment here
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