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러시아 차관 갚기 위하여 우리나라에 헬기 공급 제안


08.05.28 15:23:20추천 1조회 2,865

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러시아 차관 갚기 위하여 우리나라에 헬기 공급 제안 - 영문 중앙일보


국방부에서는 공격, 병력 수송, 및 수색 구조 러시아제 헬기들을 도입 검토하고 있다고 하는데 그러면 이번에는 Mi-28 및 Mi-38의 들어올 가능성이 있지 않는가 생각합니다.

Russia offers helicopters in lieu of some cash it owes

June 08, 2007
Instead of paying cash, Russia has asked Seoul if it will accept military equipment to cover some of its debt of more than $1 billion, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov said.

돈 대신 군사 장비를 받을것의 여부를 러시아 외무차관이 우리 나라 정부한태 문의했다.

In an interview Wednesday with Itar Tass, Russia’s official news agency, the deputy foreign minister suggested that Russian helicopters suitable for both civilian and military use could be provided to Seoul.

러시아 외무 차관은 민간 및 군사용 헬기를 제안했다고 한다.

In September of 2003, both sides negotiated a new repayment structure stemming from a loan given in 1991, totaling $1.47 billion, about the time the two sides reestablished diplomatic ties.
Under the 2003 repayment plan of $1.33 billion, Russia will give South Korea cash payments two times per year until 2025, starting this month. At the time, both sides also discussed the possibility of an exchange of goods.
A government official acknowledged yesterday that Russia made the request, but said Seoul has made no decision yet on the issue and is consulting with relevant government agencies, such as the Defense Ministry.

정부 관계자는 러시아에서 요청을 했다고 하고 정부는 결정을 안했다고 한다. 그리고 국방부등 관련
정부 기관들와 협의중이라고 한다.

“We have to see if taking defense equipment suits our needs,” said the official, who declined to be named.

정부 관계자 왈 : "군사장비를 받는게 우리 필요상에 맞는지 봐야 합니다"
At a meeting earlier this week between Foreign Minister Song Min-soon and his Russian counterpart Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Moscow brought up the issue and expressed an interest in increasing defense cooperation, a Foreign Ministry official said yesterday.
An official with the Defense Ministry who declined to be named said yesterday that the South’s military has been looking at Russian search-and-rescue helicopters or other helicopters that could be used for rapid deployment of troops and attacks.

국방부 관계자는 러시아에서 수색구조, 공격, 및 병력 신속 배치용 헬기들의 도입을 검토 하고 있다고 한다.

The South Korean military currently uses Russian T-80U main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers, such as the BMP-3.
The Korea Forest Service also uses Russian KA-32T helicopters to combat forest fires.

By You Sang-chul JoongAng Ilbo / Brian Lee Staff Writer [africanu@joongang.co.kr]



Mi-28 Havoc






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