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보잉, 캐나다에게 슈퍼호넷을 F-35보다 17억 달러 낮은 가격에 제시


13.09.23 15:16:57추천 2조회 6,567
 137991699119771.jpgThe Hill Times photograph by Jake WrightPublic Works Minister Diane Finley, centre, pictured in this file photo is the latest minister to be in charge of the procurement of Canada's F-35 fighter jets.By TIM NAUMETZ | 
Published: Thursday, 09/05/2013 8:45 pm EDT
Last Updated: Friday, 09/06/2013 9:19 am EDT

PARLIAMENT HILL?The Boeing aerospace company has provided the Canadian government with cost and capability data for an advanced version of its F-18 Super Hornet fighter jet which Boeing suggests would cost $1.7-billion less for a fleet of 65 jets than the Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter project that the federal government has temporarily put on hold.

방사청 + 뽐팡이 빙의한 캐나다 의회에서 하도 '니네 바가지 쓰고 F-35 살거냐' ㅈㄹ해서 경쟁입찰로 전환하여
보잉까지 끌어들였더니 보잉이 슈퍼호넷 65대 기준 F-35대비 17억 달러 낮은 가격을 제시하여 
한국과 같은 상황을 연출 

한 줄 요약 : 캐나다 니들도 우리처럼 F-15SE 사세요. 두 번 사세요. ^^


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