캐나다 정부에서 이더리움 블록체인을 사용한다고 하네요.
영어 잘하시는분 아래 문장 해석해주시면 감사
The National Research Council of Canada, through its Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) has recently launched the Canadian Government’s first-ever live trial of public blockchain technology (Ethereum) in the transparent administration of government contracts.
NRC IRAP에서 최근 정부계약의 투명한 관리를 위한 이더리움 블럭체인을 적용함
The National Research Council of Canada, through its Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) is using the Ethereum blockchain to proactively publish grants and contribution data in real time, a measure that complements ongoing quarteryly proactive disclosure available through the Open Government website.
NRC IRAP는 데이타전송, 양여금(grants)을 발행하기위해, Open Government 웹사이트에서의 업무를 보완하기위해 이더리움 블럭체인을 사용한다.
18.01.23 01:19:20
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