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이지스함 공개 질의서 <미디어 오늘>


12.06.24 08:55:55추천 2조회 1,216
천안함 사고는 한미해군합동 훈련 기간 동안 발생했다. 사고 당시 천안함과 훈련을 한 함정 가운데는 미국 이지스함 두 척도 포함된다. 천안함 민군합동조사단의 발표에 따르면, 북한 잠수정이 수일 동안 사고 해역에서 작전을 벌여 천안함을 격침시키고 자기 기지로 무사 귀환했다. 이는 미국 이지스함이 북한 잠수정을 탐지하지 못했다는 것을 의미한다. 연합뉴스(3월26일)보도에 따르면 미국 이지스함은 사고 당시 서울에서 약 90km 떨어진 평택 항 부근에 있었다. 이는 이지스함의 레이다 추적 거리인 190km에 훨씬 미치지 못하는 거리다. 이런 점을 살피면 최첨단 스파이 장기를 탑재한 이지스함의 레이더 탐지 기능 등이 문제가 있지 않은가 하는 의문을 들게 한다. 한국 해군도 이지스함 1척을 보유중이라는 점에서 이지스함의 결함은 심각한 일이다. 이에 대해 미디어오늘 고승우 논설실장은 이지스함을 생산하는 미국 록히드 마틴 사 언론담당 부서의 레이다 시스템 담당자 Ellen Mitchell 씨에게 아래와 같은 질의서를 발송했다. 질의 요지는 현재 세계 5개국에서 1백여대의 이지스함이 취역 중인데 이번 천안함 사고 원인에 대한 한국 정부 발표에 따르면 미국 이지스함이 제 기능을 하지 못한 것으로 나타나기 때문에 그에 대한 록히드 마틴 사의 입장을 밝히라는 것이다. 록히드 마틴사에 발송된 관련 질의서 전문은 아래와 같다. Dear Ellen.j.Mitchell How are you? I am ko seung woo, korean reporter of the Mediatoday in Korea. I am very interested in the South Korean Navy ship Cheonan which was attacked and tored apart on March 26. As you see, Investigators said on May 20 that a North Korean submarine attacked the South Korean Navy ship with a heavy torpedo on March 26. The Joint Civilian-Military Investigation Group (JIG), which includes 24 foreign experts from the United States, Britain, Australia and Sweden, announced a North Korean midget submarine torpedoed the Cheonan at night. The sub was believed to have sneaked through international waters into the Korean West Sea two or three days before the attack and safely returned to its base, according to the JIG. It said the torpedo, with an explosive weight of about 250 kilograms, exploded 3 meters under the gas turbine area of the 1,200-ton ship. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has confirmed the JIG's findings on May 24. On the night that the South Korean Navy ship Cheonan was attacked, three Aegis-equipped ships - two US ships, and one Korean ship - were on the operation with several Korean Navy ships near the ship attacked. If the JIG findings are true, Your company's Aegis Combat System did'nt totally worked for several days. North Korea sub operated freely for several days, according to the JIG. It means that North Korea sub and torpedo are free from the Aegis Combat System. The Aegis Combat System uses powerful computers and radars to track and guide weapons to destroy well over 100 targets at more than 100 nautical miles (190 km). But it did'nt operated against the North Korean sub, according to the JIG. Yonhapnews reported on March 26 that two Aegis-equipped US ships were on operation near Pyeongtaek(90km away from Seoul) the day the Cheonan tragedy was occurred according to the Korean Navy. ▲ 고승우 논설실장 If the JIG findings are true, I am afraid that Your company's Aegis Combat System will be overhauled or abolished unfortunately. Over 100 Aegis-equipped ships have been deployed in five navies worldwide, according to Wikipedia. I think all the countries which have Aegis-equipped ships want to know the truth soon as possible. Do You have something about the relationship between the Cheonan tragedy and Your company's Aegis Combat System? Would You give me Your answer very soon? Sincerely Yours. 15, June 2010 from Ko seung woo If the JIG findings are true, I am afraid that Your company's Aegis Combat System will be overhauled or abolished unfortunately. Over 100 Aegis-equipped ships have been deployed in five navies worldwide, according to Wikipedia. I think all the countries which have Aegis-equipped ships want to know the truth soon as possible. Do You have something about the relationship between the Cheonan tragedy and Your company's Aegis Combat System? Would You give me Your answer very soon? Sincerely Yours. 15, June 2010 from Ko seung woo ▲ 고승우 논설실장 입력 : 2010-06-15 10:39:55 노출 : 2010.06.15 10:39:55 고승우 논설실장의 다른기사 보기 좀 지난거긴 한데 그냥 지나치기 뭐해서 올립니다 개그도 참 가지가지 하네요
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