이슈 자유·수다 게시판 글쓰기 게시판 즐겨찾기

간단한 영어 번역좀 부탁드립니다.!


16.03.28 11:52:07추천 0조회 1,227



나이먹고 대학원 수업을 하려하니깐 머리가 안따라주네요..

이놈의 학교는 매일 영어책, 한자책으로만 수업을 해서 미치겠습니다..


나름대로 번역을 하면서 공부를 하고 있는데 번역이 안되는 구절이 있어서 부탁을 좀 드리겠습니다.ㅠㅠ


community factors refer to a large group of individuals or families that share certain values, services, institutions, interest, or geographical proximity. they also encompass specific relationships among organizations, institutions, and formal and informal networks. EAP practitioners should be aware that all businesses and organizations have a place in society and that they may be called on to represent the organization. the employee also has a place in society. in some instances, the EAP worker may foster an employee's support system.


문단 전체 구절은 이렇구요.. 여기서


EAP practitioners should be aware that all businesses and organizations have a place in society and that they may be called on to represent the organization. the employee also has a place in society.

 이 부분을 좀 알려주실분 찾습니다ㅠ 너무 어렵네요 영어.. 빨리 알파고가 통역도 해줬으면 하는 바람입니다..


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